
Selection of technology for sewage treatment should be on criteria such as plant which work without electricity, require minimum maintenance and most importantly, the technology should be self sustainable.

A novel technology based on natural method of treatment of sewage using anaerobic bacterial consortium for bio-degradation of night soil and followed by bio-digester/ constructed wetlands. The technology is anmed as biodigester toilet with reed bed technology and is advancement of reed bed technology.

Use of  specially developed anaerobic bacterial consortium for degradation of night soil followed by plant species along with their root system along with the natural attenuation processes can be combined together to get this technology. It is one such technological solution, which can be easily implemented in cities as well as in rural areas for treatment of  sewage wastewater. the systemis based on use of specific plants normally found in natural reed with filtration and treatment capability. this system can be utilized for a wide variety of applications. it  can be used for secondary and tertiary treatment of muncipal wastewater, sludge management, treatment of industrial or agricultural effluent as well as for the treatment of landfill leachates.

Main objective of technology for human waste management are :
  • No energy dependence
  • Affordability
  • Long lasting (At least 15 years)
  • Require minimum water for cleaning
  • Space for constraints
  • Allow weather system
  • Allow toilet cleaning agents for better hygiene.
Salient Future of Biotoilet :
  • Generate colorless, odorless inflammable biogas and clear odorless water. water contain full of nutrients and minerals and is good for irrigation purpose of nearby gardens, lawns etc.
  • Does not require any septic tank, sewage tank connectivity.
  • Disposes human waste in a 100% ECO friendly manner.
  • Existing out of order septic tank can be replace by Bio-digester in existing public & domestic toilets.
  • 100% maintenance free, continuous biological process.
  • Routine chemical do not harm the system
  • Inoculums charges only once during the entire life
  • Independent  on the limited and costly conventional energy resources


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